Brainwave Entrainment: The Key To The Subconscious Mind

By Richard M. Mathews

The power of affirmations has long been promoted by all the self-help gurus and masterminds the world over.But what are affirmations, and how do they work?Affirmations are simply statements that we say we say to our self that are either positive or negative in nature. We use affirmations every day. These affirmations basically come in the form of our self-talk or inner dialogue that constantly goes around in our heads.To get a better grasp of how affirmations actually work and the theory behind them, it's important first to have a good understanding of how our mind works.The Workings Of The Mind. When we come into this world, our brain is like one huge sponge soaking up all the information that it is fed. The source of this information comes from all the experiences and situations we encounter has we grow up towards adulthood.Our parents, family, friends, teachers and colleagues generally shape our life experiences in the early years.All this information that is being fed to us is channeled through what we call our conscious mind into our subconscious or unconscious mind.The Subconscious- The Mind's Hard Drive.Our subconscious is by far the most powerful part of our mind.If you think of our mind as a computer then your subconscious is the hard drive of that computer. It's the part of your mind that stores every experience, situation, feeling and emotion, both positive and negative that we've encountered throughout our lives.

Some of the greatest ideas used to create the modern technological advancements people enjoy today, were harnessed from the subconscious mind. This is quite a richly endowed part of the brain. A good number of the world's most enlightened people, have learned how to use this area to come up with skills, inspiration and ideas, which have been used to transform many lives. Since the subconscious mind is responsible for dreams, solving the mystery behind it includes tackling the issue of dreams. Great ideas, visions and skills have been borne out of dreams.

The subconscious mind, an integral part of subliminal technology, has tremendous powers and abilities. Many people from all corners of the world have encountered miracles in their lives as a result of the subconscious. It's a fact that for some people, all it takes for them to achieve success in different areas is to take advantage of the subconscious. It is imperative to work with this part of one's mind as an ally. This portion has been described as the second mind and is extremely powerful. It should not be viewed as a figment of imagination. It is not an abstract concept to be ignored.

I mentioned at the beginning of this article, affirmations are simply the positive and negative statements you say to yourself every day. These can come in the form.It is this self talk and inner dialogue that determines your consistent thoughts. What's more, it is those consistent thoughts that have brought you to where you are in your life today.So by changing those consistent thoughts, the course of your life will automatically change.Using affirmations is an extremely powerful technique to help you do this.Before you use affirmations, you first have to become a persistent observer of your thoughts. When you notice yourself thinking self-defeating, negative thoughts you must change that thought to one that's positive in that very moment. Doing this immediately will neutralize the negative thought there and then and prevent it from taking hold and adding to the rest of the garbage you store within your subconscious.

Once you've gotten past the barrier, your new beliefs will be accepted as true to the subconscious and will be the new template in how you react to the events in your life. Entrainment allows you to be conscious while you access the subconscious, embedding a new, positive belief system with the power of this frequency by permanently imprinting new neural networks in your grey matter, and by shrinking the old belief system network. Brainwave entrainment is the key to changing how the subconscious mind shapes your life.

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