How To Boost Your Bench Press To A New Personal Best Fast

By Russ Howe

If you would like to learn how to increase your bench press fast then you are not unlike the vast majority of other men using gyms and leisure clubs around the world. Countless people have reached plateaus on their big lifts and have no idea how to break free from their current mire.

Thankfully, today's article will teach you how to do this. Not only that, but you'll learn how to do it over the course of just 4-6 weeks.

When you are trying to improve any aspect of your life, not just your training, you would do well to look at what the actual issue is before you try to correct it. When it comes to exercise, there are normally thee main culprits:

1. The muscles surrounding your chest are poorly developed.

2. Underdeveloped grip strength which is unable to carry you through the movement.

3. Simply not enough strength in the muscle you are trying to lift the weight with, i.e. you are shooting above your weight.

The next time you hit the bench station, keep an eye out for the 3 issues above. Whichever one strikes first is to be considered the biggest threat to you hitting a new personal best lift, therefore making it priority number one in terms of sorting it out. If your grip goes first, there's your primary issue.

Assessing these details will help you to identify the area you must focus on to reach new progress. In many cases, people discover a combination of two of the three factors are playing a role in their sticking point. So once you have identified the issue at the root of the problem, how do you correct it?

If you can identify the issue first, correcting it is really rather easy. For those who are affected by their shoulders and triceps giving way too easily, it would be wise to spend some time strengthening those muscle groups in your routine before you attempt to pack on more weight to your chest-based exercises. No matter how big or powerful your pecs might be, they won't perform at maximum ability if the smaller muscles in the exercise are underdeveloped. This is a sign of someone who is undertaking an unbalanced training program and you should move fast to correct it before it reflects in your physique.

Also, the importance of a strong grip cannot be underplayed. If you do not work on developing your forearms to handle large loads, you will notice that your progress on power lifts such as deadlifts begins to wane quite quickly. Your legs and back might be able to take the stress, but your grip will fail first, causing you to stop short of your true maximum. Likewise, learning how to prise the bar apart on a chest press is a useful tool to increase your results and requires a strong grip.

Reverse curls and handshake curls are prime examples of great grip strengthening exercises.

Finally, those who simply cannot lift a weight because the muscle has reached a sticking point also have a solution. If your chest simply cannot take any more weight and you don't have either of the other two issues mentioned above, you need to vary your chest training to spur new strength gains and muscle growth. There are numerous isolation exercises which can be used in that situation.

Many different variations of push-ups, flyes and machine presses are good alternative chest exercises which will help to isolate the area more than a barbell.

It is easy to look at the way others are training and pick the areas they need to work on, but not very many people are able to do this with their own training routine. This is why so many people wonder how to increase your bench press fast but so few actually learn how to do it, because they refuse to see the areas which are holding them back. Take a moment to criticize your own form and see what the problem is, before moving to wipe it out completely.

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